So I have been working and everything else so I haven't blogged. I have been checking in just not posting anything. So my SO and I spent V-day together, but didn't do anything. I think V-day is so overrated. What I really wanted was a couple pair of shoes. Didn't get those, but that's cool because I'm working on cleaning my closet out and organizing. So my big focus is the whole organization, budget planning, paying items off, and preparing for at least two trips this summer. Hours at my part-time are picking back up(yeah/nah) so I will be able to put some $ aside for those trips. The hours sometimes interfere with my social life, but I shouldn't complain because I'm blessed with two jobs while some just want one.
Oh and my plan is to advise those who pay attention to my blog, LOL, of great deals out there when I go shopping. Ran across some, but that was weeks ago so I know things have changed.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I think lately lots of folks have been so busy. I've been doing so much I haven't had time to blog. But I wanted to make an entry today. I'm sad to see how desperate folks have been with this tax thing. Why would you wait on one month a year versus getting your money through the year? I usually get money back, but not a big chunk of money. I need it more from month to month. I know the economy is what it is right now, but most folks aren't even trying to use their refund wisely. Then most folks don't even want to be educated, but want to continue to live in the dark. Its a sad day....which is why I think I have cut so many folks out of my life. I cant deal with folks who work like that. Anyway let me not sit on my high horse. BE BLESSED!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
It's the GOD in ME!!!!
I was enjoying this song on Keep It Simple Sista's blog and felt the need to post. I want to praise God for helping me make it through so much. Just when I think I wont make it...when I think I wont have the money to pay something or any other small factor in my life, God makes his presence know and it all works out. I've learned not to compare my life to mind wonders back there sometimes but I snap out of it quick. My life is my life and those things that others are able to do is whats meant for them. When God wants me to have the funds to travel he makes it available to me. When God wants me to move forward in my life he clears the path. I could just jump around and testify in my home right now.
My family (my mother and sister) have also come so far by leaps and bounds. When others tried to down us as a family unit because we didn't allow my father to bring us down, I have to look back at those folks and feel pity. They wanted us to live as bad and sad as they were living at that time and still are living that way. When folks got mad at ME for leaving my ex-boyfriend who had another baby while we were in a relationship...I have to look at them sideways. Folks who had the nerve to say I didn't have it in my heart to forgive someone. PLEASE I lived and let go. Why was I as a person suppose to accept less from someone. A person who refused to hold a job for an extended period. A person who refused to go back to school and better them self. A person who claimed to dislike the mother of his kids but was obviously still sleeping with her. WHOO I could go on and on but why should I. That's my learning path that I have traveled and I must look forward and prepare for my great future. BE BLESSED!!
My family (my mother and sister) have also come so far by leaps and bounds. When others tried to down us as a family unit because we didn't allow my father to bring us down, I have to look back at those folks and feel pity. They wanted us to live as bad and sad as they were living at that time and still are living that way. When folks got mad at ME for leaving my ex-boyfriend who had another baby while we were in a relationship...I have to look at them sideways. Folks who had the nerve to say I didn't have it in my heart to forgive someone. PLEASE I lived and let go. Why was I as a person suppose to accept less from someone. A person who refused to hold a job for an extended period. A person who refused to go back to school and better them self. A person who claimed to dislike the mother of his kids but was obviously still sleeping with her. WHOO I could go on and on but why should I. That's my learning path that I have traveled and I must look forward and prepare for my great future. BE BLESSED!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm feeling so lovie dubie lately its so strange. And my SO is acting in the same manner so its kind of good we are currently not in the same city because it could turn into a very sickening situation LOL. Normally I'm the most non-emotional type person when it comes to love...I have huge issues even saying it to people. I had the discussion with my SO that my family never said it to each other when I was growing up, so that's why I have issues as an adult. I plan to become better with this and when I have kids raise them different in this area than my parents raised me. I'm just sitting here wishing he was here so I could cuddle up with him. I was in my car listening to Beyonce wanting to cry because she was saying everything I was feeling. So this is precisely why in 09' I'm preparing myself to be someones wife by becoming more open with my feelings and myself as a total. I'm so fiercely independent that any guy I have dated hates it so much. I don't like to be questioned and since I tend not to question the person I'm with it turns into a trust issue with them concerning me. Well let me not bore people with my crazy personality...just wanted to vent. BE BLESSED!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
OK so the past couple of days have been something. At my job 2 managers and the head lady left the company. The story behind this is something no one on the job know or are telling. It was the craziest thing I've ever experienced while working somewhere. We are all just waiting to see how things go from here. The folks they left in charge are not the best group of folks and so I'm just going to continue to do my job while looking for something else.
Besides all that my hair is going through it's own thing. Its so terrible dry due to this cold weather. I just don't know what to do with it. I may just stick one of my wigs on till I get it straighten for the CIAA. I love the look of it most of the time...its just very dry to the touch and I don't want the ends to get damaged due to the lack of moisture. I also noticed that shampooing just totally strips my hair so I will stick to co-washing and actually washing maybe every three weeks.
Then I'm sad because I miss my boo this week. We stay in different cities and I really don't feel like traveling this weekend...and he needs work done to his car so I know he is not going to head this way. I guess I will have to try to see him for V-day.
Enough of my ranting....have a good weekend. BE BLESSED!
Besides all that my hair is going through it's own thing. Its so terrible dry due to this cold weather. I just don't know what to do with it. I may just stick one of my wigs on till I get it straighten for the CIAA. I love the look of it most of the time...its just very dry to the touch and I don't want the ends to get damaged due to the lack of moisture. I also noticed that shampooing just totally strips my hair so I will stick to co-washing and actually washing maybe every three weeks.
Then I'm sad because I miss my boo this week. We stay in different cities and I really don't feel like traveling this weekend...and he needs work done to his car so I know he is not going to head this way. I guess I will have to try to see him for V-day.
Enough of my ranting....have a good weekend. BE BLESSED!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Barack Obama Day

So today is a great day. History is being made in a nation that has had many trials and tribulations. My level of joy is not as hype as many because I'm not a super emotional person....but that's not to say that I'm not truly enjoying these moments and this day. I pray that his days shall be long and that he will make a great and positive impact on the nation and the world. I know many who wanted to be there in person, me being one of them, but after thinking of the type of person I am (don't like the cold or huge crowds), I decided to watch on TV. So I'm going to enjoy my shrimp and watch this great event. BE BLESSED!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Confused Early

So I'm up like I have to go to work....but I need to be exercising but I'm being lazy. But I will go before the day is over. So anyway I have been looking at my blog the past two days like why cant I see my post. Well duh....I can be very blondie sometimes....I needed to change the color of the font. When stuff like this happens I have to laugh at myself. I have always been an intelligent person, but not always blessed with all the common sense. But again when this happens I just laugh because I cant know everything.
Aside from that slow moment I have been reflecting on things. So much is changing around me that I feel a force pushing at me also to move, go, change. Now believe me I'm not fighting the change because I'm open to it and I'm ready for it. It's just I have that funny feeling that I cant put into words. But I will continue to patiently await whatever it is that is coming my way. I just hope that I'm strong enough to be able to handle this change.
Aside from that slow moment I have been reflecting on things. So much is changing around me that I feel a force pushing at me also to move, go, change. Now believe me I'm not fighting the change because I'm open to it and I'm ready for it. It's just I have that funny feeling that I cant put into words. But I will continue to patiently await whatever it is that is coming my way. I just hope that I'm strong enough to be able to handle this change.
To go along with the 09' I went ahead and cut my hair to get rid of the relaxed hair. I have very small amounts along the edges, but I plan on getting another cut the end of February when I go to get my hair straighten again. Why is it that folks always ask my why I no longer relax and they think that I actually need their approval. I just smile and nod when folks ask me about it and never go into great detail on the issue. As someone else said I don't want to seem like a radical natural girl. Along with the hair I have started at least exercising one day out the week (its a beginning). I also have been working on getting this debt paid off so that when I get closer to 30 I will be almost done with the things of the past that I have been trying to rid myself of.
Well enough of my chit chat for today. BE BLESSED!!
Well enough of my chit chat for today. BE BLESSED!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So I'm officially a blogger and figured I would discuss a couple of things today. More info about me. I named my page red because I just love that color, but I didn't want to just leave it at that. So I started to think what could go along with the whole red thing. Well I figured I would just break the letters down. So me as a person I'm real, I think as you get older the more real you become. I feel empowered as far as what I can do, where I'm going, just all around. Last but not least I'm dynamic. I find people to be drawn to me because of my personality. I just love to have fun and talk so people tend to enjoy that. During my brief stint as a substitute teacher the students would love to talk to me and just sit around me. I would think why are you guys interested in me....I'm just the sub LOL.
Anyway I have to get use to this whole typing and grammar and stuff b/c I'm so less conscious of this since leaving school. I guess I will return next time with something more interesting to read. Be blessed!
Anyway I have to get use to this whole typing and grammar and stuff b/c I'm so less conscious of this since leaving school. I guess I will return next time with something more interesting to read. Be blessed!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Happily Blogging
OK so I have been stalking other peoples blogs for awhile and finally I decided to start my own. A little about me: I'm from and still live in North Carolina. I'm 28 year old Cancer who loves meeting and talking to people. I'm almost 100% natural and loving it. I look forward to this blog thing and learning from other dynamic people.
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