Monday, February 16, 2009

Long time no blog

So I have been working and everything else so I haven't blogged. I have been checking in just not posting anything. So my SO and I spent V-day together, but didn't do anything. I think V-day is so overrated. What I really wanted was a couple pair of shoes. Didn't get those, but that's cool because I'm working on cleaning my closet out and organizing. So my big focus is the whole organization, budget planning, paying items off, and preparing for at least two trips this summer. Hours at my part-time are picking back up(yeah/nah) so I will be able to put some $ aside for those trips. The hours sometimes interfere with my social life, but I shouldn't complain because I'm blessed with two jobs while some just want one.

Oh and my plan is to advise those who pay attention to my blog, LOL, of great deals out there when I go shopping. Ran across some, but that was weeks ago so I know things have changed.



  1. I would love for you to follow me!

    haha I love the title!!

  2. I think vals day is overrated too. One should celebrate it everyday with their partner.

    Fashion Rehab
